The "Genius Brain Approach Development Course"
The "Genius Brain Approach Development Course", referred to as GBA, is a set of systematic and independently developed school-based course created by Principal Connie Cheong. It has been implemented and verified in preschool schools and kindergartens for many years.
According to the structure of the human brain, if the infinite potential of the right brain can be successfully developed, it will help children learn tremendously. The GBA course is dedicated to the development of children's whole brain potential. Through daily basic and systematic training, including: eye training, brain-building finger exercises, double-speed listening training, mandala card training, cardio-brain resonance music (genius state music), motor memory, tactile memory, visual memory, auditory memory training, children can think and study through fun-filled games in an exploratory environment that easily activate their right brain, so that the great potential of the right brain can be realized, and children's multifaceted abilities can be enhanced, such as: learning motivation, self-learning, learning to learn, concentration, creativity, memory, observation skills, listening skills, communication skills, learning efficiency and problem-solving skills etc. will all be improved, and these skills can be applied and as a solid foundation for future learning.
Thematic teaching
Through different theme; comprehensive language, mathematics, general knowledge, arts, music and physical allows children to learn happily and interestingly, which supports learning confidently, being active and a focus learning attitude.
Picture books teaching
Through picture books teaching, it nourishes children observation skills, develops their imagination and creativity skills; also through picture book words it promotes children language skills and nourishes their reading routine which encourages children to love reading and set the foundation of lifelong learning.
Fun English
Through spiral English course, children listen, speak, read and write from learning simple to hard which masters their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English.
Oxford English Phonics Course
Through games, story and drama elements, allows children to master phonics –(no difficulty in spelling)
Fun Chinese (Putonghua)
Through interesting cartoon cards children learn the Chinese radical from the Chinese words. Using scenario to create sentences (create sentence), using sentence to create and extend short paragraphs.
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